Tuesday, December 6, 2011

joyful joyful....

This Christmas season is incredibly joyful with two little ones!!!  Here are lots of random pictures of my happy boys (I am way behind- I know.  I havent mastered taking and posting pictures while carrying a newborn and chasing a toddler.  We will get there)...   : )  
We are blessed beyond measure, thankful beyond words.
Henry adores his little brother.  In fact, this is
 how he spends most of his time-
inches from sweet Owens nose.   : )  
Owen and daddy.
(I think Owen inherited his momma's strength-
doctor says he has the neck control of a four month old!)  : ) 

Henry playing "construction worker" by himself in the playroom.
He is always this happy... 

such a little boy!  

infant/toddler playtime?

we attempted to take "train" pictures for Rudy's birthday....

they were pretty much a flop but it was funny

a new favorite game- and he says "where's henry?"  

Sweetness- henry was kissing his face and saying "dont cry, brother."...

exasperated trying to soothe Owen : ) 

little chunky monkey


bundled up and shopping with mommy

henry loves reading to Owen....
next up- Glamour and US Weekly.  : ) 

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